VAUC offers the unique care experience of a walk-in facility offering many of the same important, medical and mental health services as the COVID Testing, VA’s Emergency Rooms, including EKGs, X-Rays, Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment, Fluoroscopy, vaccinations,
psychological and
psychiatric counseling, and
general family medicine
– all provided 365 days per year!
VA hospitals are often overcrowded and patients suffer long wait times.
Veterans Advantage Urgent Care was created to give Veterans an alternative to the VA’s Emergency Rooms with quick, cheerful attendance
This care is provided on behalf of, and paid for by, the VA, so that patients are never out of pocket for any of their medical costs.
Veterans often depend on VA’s Emergency Rooms as their primary source of care, including lifesaving treatments. However, VA hospitals are often overcrowded and patients suffer long wait times. Veterans Advantage Urgent Care was created to give Veterans an alternative to the VA’s Emergency Rooms with quick, cheerful attendance and zero out-of-pocket expense for Veterans in need. Veterans Advantage Urgent Care offers the unique care experience of a walk-in facility offering many of the same important, medical and mental health services as the VA’s Emergency Rooms, including EKGs, X-rays, Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment, Fluorscopy, vaccinations, psychological and psychiatric counseling, and general family medicine – all provided 365 days per year!
4030 Chouteau Ave. 4th Floor
St. Louis, MO 63110
Phone: (314) 696-2090
Fax: (314) 261-0232